
Companies and projects - similar to creatures living and coexisting in their biosphere - develop in a interactive system and through different stages of a lifecycle where phases of growth, transformation, decline and renewal take turns. This all happens in an integer sequence of accumulation out of infinite possibilities per phase. In light of this evidence and based on where Innorealis can add most value through its services, the model below helps to analyze, describe and process the changes between two phases of growth in a structured and systematic way.

1) Assess
The current situation is analyzed for opportunities and challenges, which includes all initiating factors that highlight a need for change, such as deadlock, crisis, new evidence, inspirations, change in regulation, etc. This may involve health-checks, diagnosis of the root causes of a problem or identification of possible enhancements and advantages through change.

2) Innovate
Most ideas one comes up with at first won't work, therefore it's through the process of constant idea creation that one arrives at something that is radical and transformating. A break-through innovation is therefore the outcome of a structured and planned process. Creative methods like design, brainstorming or Delphi are used to increase the number of solution options from a wide range of sources.

3) Evaluate
New ideas are always improved by robust criticism. Over many iterations and small steps these are tested, prototyped, improved and validated. Before implementation though, the case has to be made showing that it can work and is better than any of the other available alternatives.

4) Design
The confirmed option is now conceptualized and defined in all its details as the solution that becomes every day practice. This includes a USP and growth strategy around it, technical and functional elements, as well as cost and revenue streams enabling a financial sustainability that carries the innovation forward.

5) Implement
Finally, the 'winning idea' will be brought into reality, by implementing and spreading the product and services linked to it. Proper project management will ensure also a successful transition and effective change processes. Evidence is used as natural part of the project to account for the impact, as well as to show correlation and causation.